Free yourself from worries
and ride for your own pleasure
Welcome To Executive Search LTD

Owning a yacht certainly sounds like a dream come true but with it comes great responsibility …
or not! What if there were a way to enjoy your precious possession without the hassles and
headaches of ownership? That’s where executive search LTD comes in to take care of your
yacht in every aspect! Take all the hard work out and add in effortless fun and there you have it:
How can we help you?

From making sure that your yacht is awless
from the inside out to managing the
exceptional people on board and
accounting for every penny spent, yacht
management no longer holds any secret
for us.


adventure lies in an excellent management,
which is what we strive to offer with our
professional services tailored to the specic
needs of each yacht owner.If like us, you
want what’s best for your precious then
hesitate no more!Take a leap of faith now
and delegate the management of your
yacht to us so that you can enjoy all the
pleasures of hassle-free boating without
moving a nger!
Our Services

offers unparalleled yacht management services
to assist in maintaining, operating and
administering vessels to the highest possible
standards. As your dedicated yacht
management company, our goal is to protect
your oating asset and provide you with an
optimal yachting experience. Whether you are
looking for expert advice concerning ...
An exceptional crew is the beating heart of any yacht. At Tenebris Lux, it is our prerogative to bring you the best talent to meet and exceed your expectations. Our Crew Management Team takes care of the crew selection process from beginning to end – making a point of appointing only the most reliable and motivated seafarers with the right combination of skills and experience...

Operational management can make or break the whole yachting experience. From day-to-day operations, routine checks to liaising with port authorities for berths, there are many facets involved in running a yacht. All of this can be quite time-consuming – not to say nerve-wracking – but you need not worry. Tenebris Lux endeavours to bring you peace of mind by assigning a dedicated Operational Management Team to each yacht to help you get the most out of your precious asset without lifting a nger.
Always on call, our team of
professionals will commit to
giving the hands-on attention
that your yacht deserves whenever and wherever you need it.

Financial administration can be a real headache for owners with no particular inclination for bookkeeping tasks. Tenebris Lux resolves to lighten this burden by handling every aspect of nancial management with efciency, transparency and integrity, leaving the crew free to do what they do best. We can assist with planning budgets, setting up dedicated bank accounts, managing crew credit cards and payroll to dealing with nancing schemes.We also pride ourselves on sourcing the best possible insurance provider to protect your investment and manage and mitigate the risks relating to yacht ownership. You can be assured that we will use our contacts and expertise to bring you the best possible rates and solutions that t your requirements!
The key to enjoying the beauty of a yachting adventure lies in excellent management & services tailored to the specic needs of each yacht owner